DLScript for Godot Arrives

The first usable version is now available and it lets you use shared libraries as scripts. The DLScript API is a C API but C++ bindings are available. DLScript can invoke code from other libraries and GDScript functions as well. 

Integrating Steamworks and other services should be easier now. It should be possible to get significant performance boosts by moving expensive GDScripts over to DLScript. 

Source: https://godotengine.org/article/dlscript-here

Unity 5 Cycle Ends

Unity 5.6 is now available as the final installment of the Unity 5 series. It comes with a Progressive Lightmapper preview, new Light Modes, Vulkan support and many more features. 

Unity will be switching to yearly naming for future versions. If this is added to the splash screen, it will be a great way to force developers to keep updating their builds to ensure their games don't appear dated.

Source: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/03/31/5-6-is-now-available-and-completes-the-unity-5-cycle/

AppGameKit releases Sounds Library DLC

The Game Creators has released a Sound Library for AppGameKit, the first of its kind for the product. It features a total of 250 unique sound effects that are royalty-free. 

It is unclear what the actual license for this sound library is and without a way to preview them, this purchase can be considered a gamble. It can be found here.

Source: https://www.thegamecreators.com/post/appgamekit-new-sounds-library-dlc-now-available

Unity Asset Store Offline

If you were hoping to buy today's 24 Hour deal, you might be out of luck at the moment.

The Unity Asset Store has been down for more than four hours. According to a tweet, they are recovering from server issues. 

It is a little worrisome that this unscheduled maintenance is going on for a few hours now. Could the damage be extensive? Was it a malicious attack and is our information compromised? Only time will tell.

Update: The Store is back online but there's been no communication of why it went down.