Posts for Tag: unreal

Epic adds Unreal Engine Online Learning

Epic has introduced the Unreal Engine Online Learning platform which will house all training series and video tutorials. Learning content is broken into several tracks with on demand videos.

Free education is immense and with the success of Fortnite to lure new users, Epic has positioned itself with a strong counter-attack against Unity. 


SpatialOS Open Beta Announced

Improbable has announced SpatialOS Open Beta and is also launching the SpatialOS Games Innovation Program in partnership with Google Cloud. SpatialOS is a cloud-based computation platform which allows for processing of millions of persistent entities. It is currently integrated with Unity but Unreal support was just announced as well. 

 Improbable is a London-based startup that recently opened an office in San Francisco. With this new strategic location, an open beta and the subsidized development program it announced, it is clear that Improbable wants people using its technology to demonstrate the power of their platform. 

Learn more about SpatialOS here: